Thursday, December 3, 2009

2007 NBA Draft....What u think now??

so...on draft night, portland got Oden (that was a no-brainer pick) Sonics got Durant and Milwaukee got Yi...What are your thoughts on this? how do you see the 2007-08 season from this years draft?? my faithful opinion...Blazers are heading in the right direction, so is New York, Atlanta, Boston and maybe, maybe Charlotte.

2007 NBA Draft....What u think now??nba salaries


Portland: No explanation needed.

Warriors: If this move gets KG, then this is move gets an A+++! However, if it doesn't...its just a B+. It's nice to get rid of J-Rich's contract but he's still a good player. I would've liked this move better if it wasn't B.Wright though. He has nice upside....but of all the top 10 guys, this guy has the biggest bust potential. Still, if Wright can thrive anywhere, it might be in G.S.'s uptempo style where his athletcism will outshine his lack of real basketball skills....and they don't really need J-Rich with all their wings. Like the Bellini pick though. Maybe I'll upgrade to a A-.

Celtics: People clown on Ainge no matter WHAT he does. if he drafted for himself, he'd get critcized for keeping the team too young again. now that he finally brings in a veteran star, he gets clowned for not keeping the pick. The key is, the Celts play in the JV league called the Eastern conference. Yeah this team isn't a championship team, but its enough to make some noise in the East. People that haven't seen Al Jefferson this year, have never seen him, he's MUCH better. And Rajon Rondo is a PG who I think will have a sleeper of a season (make note: late sleeper pick in fantasy bball!). I honestly wouldn't be shocked if this team not only made the playoffs but won a round or two.

And lets not forget, Ainge in the process dumped the bad contract of Wally, who is hurt every year, and also picked up two very nice sleeper picks in the second round in Pruitt and Big Baby. Both have a good shot of making the team which is nice. I give them a B+.

Btw, I like Seattle's move too....cept I don't love Jeff Green. I see how his game might compliment Durant's well.....still, when youre trying to rebuild a franchise, you try to get superstars first, not complementary role players. Brewer has much more upside than Green, and he might even have a higher floor as well cuz of his defense. Good idea....wrong pick IMO.

Not as great as people think:

Hawks: Can't hate on the Horford pick...he should be a good one. Still, I have a feeling Conley will be great. And the thing is, the dropoff from Conley to Acie Law is pretty big. I loved Acie in college, but he's not an NBA all-star type talent. I think they get a B, but heck, I'll give em an A just for not screwing things up as usual.

Not as bad as people think:

Knicks: Their trade makes sense to me on both sides. Portland gets rid of Zach and his contract and makes room for Oden and Aldridge in the frontcourt. The Knicks get a LEGIT 20/10 guy that can definitely put up points without giving up much at all. Franchise struggled through injuries and could hardly earn consistent mins even when playing. Frye....might be one of the MOST OVERRATED players in the NBA. He's a soft C that can shoot outside....whoopdeedoo. Curry and Zach sounds very soft in the defense department, but they are very good low post scorers....and Zach has some range too. Not the BEST move but not deserving of the ridicule Isiah is getting. However, I guess Zach moving to NYC might be dangerous. He could get into trouble, or maybe he gets fat eating at all the nice restaurants and sitting there all night at Scores.

Honorable mentions :

Spurs - Geez, I hate the Spurs organization. They keep getting decent to good finds late in drafts and Tiago might be another one. This guy has semi entered the draft for the past 2-3 years and always talked about as a top 15 pick. The Spurs get him at 28 and then get a decent athletic SF in Marcus Williams.

Sixers - Just a nice draft overall. Couldn't move up....but with where they were picking, they picked up some nice potential with all their picks.

Nets: For taking a risk on Sean Williams. He fits their system perfectly. Yeah he's HIGH risk, but he's also HIGH reward. Considering how many people bust per year, this is a nice gamble at pick 17.


It pains me to say it....but I think the biggest losers are my own Lakers. Javaris is a decent pick at 19...but its a loss in the sense that although the top 18 or so had a different order, there was noone that "slipped" to 19. Everyone I wanted was gone and Javaris was the only logical pick.

Then things get worse, SUN YUE? Are you kidding me. His highlight was him standing there dribbling for 5 seconds and then passing it. His scouting report says if he fills out, his upside is Luke Walton. LUKE WALTON? Thats sad if your UPSIDE is Luke Walton....oh and btw, we also happen to HAVE LUKE WALTON ALREADY! Then we get Pau Gasol's younger, not as good, less athletic brother. I don't like hearing we got a player LESS athletic than Pau Gasol. Honestly, both second round picks sounds like a ploy to sell tickets (large asian community in LA and the hype of having Pau's brother). And the other reason the Lakers are a big loser is they did nothing to get significantly better. No trades. Drafted a raw 19 yr old PG and 2 stiffs that likely won't make the NBA. Yeah, thats gotta make Kobe REALLY excited about next year. The Lakers can say goodbye to Kobe now.

2007 NBA Draft....What u think now??nba playoff ,nba teams

Not boston... they are headed no where... same with the pacers and Miami... Spurs, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Milwakee (If Yi plays faithfully and doesn't ***** about not liking the city)... these teams in my opinion are set... excluding the Spurs, they all can go a long time with good players... Spurs are too old but they made good draft picks... real steals that late... Charlotte, they got great with Jason Richardson, now they just have to get G Wallace and you have the freakishly athletic team, that can do way more than just jump... I mean Move Emeka to 5 and Wallace to 4 and JRich to 3 and you got small ball... they just need a few more of the right pieces... just need a good 5... that rebounds and blocks... and just defends...
Winner: Dallas
I think Portland just ensured the title in 3 or 4 years

with the draft, all the big men and guards, they have

lots of guards and frontline help, they are going to all

get good together.

people think i am crazy but Atlanta i think had the worst

draft by picking Harford and Law. The power forward

from miami, Florida players remind me of Duke players,

they are all good fundementally but don't have room to

grow past college, they are product of a good system

and have reached their potential. So Harford I think will

be a bench player. Acie also from what I read was

not that consistent. So to blow 3, 11 picks which

no difference makers, will come back to hunt the Hawks.

New York I don't think is going to do that much better,

and Boston I did like the pickup of Big Baby he will

do well in the NBA, just needs to stay in shape, so they

weill be better a bit, but not enough to made them a

playoff condender.

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